VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.1: Документация для Веб разработчика
Vintasoft.Shared Namespace / WebImageCollectionJS type / openFiles Methods / openFiles(string[],Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS) Property
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    openFiles(string[],Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS) Метод
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    Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and clears the image collection and adds images to the image collection.
    var instance = new Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageCollectionJS();
    var value; // Type: any
    // Parameters
    var fileIds; // Type: string[]
    var service; // Type: WebServiceJS
    value = instance.openFiles(fileIds, service);
    function openFiles(
    An array of strings, which represent file identifiers.
    : string[],
    WebServiceJS, which allows to manage an image collection.
    : WebServiceJS
    ) : any;


    An array of strings, which represent file identifiers.
    WebServiceJS, which allows to manage an image collection.
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