WebXlsxPageLayoutSettingsTypeEnumJS Перечисление
В этом разделе
Specifies available types, which define how an XLSX page must be laid out.
Члены типа
Член типа | Описание |
Undefined | Undefined. |
UseWorksheetWidth | Page width will be equal to the worksheet width. Page height will be retrieved from WebDocumentLayoutSettingsJS or from print settings of worksheet. |
UseWorksheetHeight | Page height will be equal to the worksheet height. Page width will be retrieved from WebDocumentLayoutSettingsJS or from print settings of worksheet. |
UseWorksheetSize | Page width will be equal to the worksheet width. Page height will be equal to the worksheet height. |
UsePrintArea | Use the worksheet print area. |
UsePageMargin | Use the worksheet margin. |
UsePageScale | Use the worksheet scale. |
Иерархия наследования
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