VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.1: Руководство для .NET разработчика
Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo Namespace / MailmarkCmdmValueItem Class
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В этом разделе
    Класс MailmarkCmdmValueItem
    В этом разделе
    Содержит информацию о декодированном значении штрих-кода Mailmark CMDM 2D.
    Объектная модель
    Public Class MailmarkCmdmValueItem
       Inherits ValueItemBase
    public class MailmarkCmdmValueItem : ValueItemBase
    public __gc class MailmarkCmdmValueItem : public ValueItemBase*
    public ref class MailmarkCmdmValueItem : public ValueItemBase^

    Вот простой пример, демонстрирующий создание двумерного штрих-кода Mailmark CMDM:

    Imports Vintasoft.Barcode   
    Imports Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo   
    Imports Vintasoft.Barcode.SymbologySubsets   
    Imports Vintasoft.Imaging   
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Test that demonstrates how to generate an image with Mailmark CMDM Type29 barcode and
    ''' how to recognize Mailmark CMDM Type29 barcode on the image.
    ''' </summary>
    Class MailmarkCmdmValueItemExample   
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Runs the test.
        ''' </summary>
        Public Shared Sub Test()   
            ' create the Mailmark CMDM 2D barcode value
            Dim item As New MailmarkCmdmValueItem()   
            item.InformationTypeId = "0"   
            item.VersionId = "1"   
            item.[Class] = "0"   
            item.SupplyChainId = "1000009"   
            item.ItemId = "00009609"   
            item.Dps = "W1T1HQ9Z "   
            item.RtsFlag = "0"   
            item.ReturnToSenderPostCode = "SN35XX "   
            item.CustomerContent = "ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890A"   
            Dim infos As IBarcodeInfo()   
            ' create the barcode writer
            Using writer As New BarcodeWriter()   
                ' encode Mailmark CMDM Type29 barcode
                BarcodeSymbologySubsets.MailmarkCmdmType29.Encode(item, writer.Settings)   
                ' get image with barcode
                Using image As VintasoftBitmap = writer.GetBarcodeAsVintasoftBitmap()   
                    ' create the barcode reader
                    Using reader As New BarcodeReader()   
                        ' specify that reader must search for Mailmark CMDM Type29 barcodes only
                        reader.Settings.ScanBarcodeTypes = BarcodeType.None   
                        ' recognize barcode
                        infos = reader.ReadBarcodes(image)   
                    End Using   
                End Using   
            End Using   
            ' get barcode value
            Dim readItem As MailmarkCmdmValueItem = DirectCast(infos(0).ValueItems(0), MailmarkCmdmValueItem)   
            ' print barcode value
            Console.WriteLine("Decoded value =              '{0}'", item.ToString())   
            Console.WriteLine("Information Type ID =        '{0}'", item.InformationTypeId)   
            Console.WriteLine("Version ID =                 '{0}'", item.VersionId)   
            Console.WriteLine("Class =                      '{0}'", item.[Class])   
            Console.WriteLine("Supply Chain ID =            '{0}'", item.SupplyChainId)   
            Console.WriteLine("Item ID =                    '{0}'", item.ItemId)   
            Console.WriteLine("DPS =                        '{0}'", item.Dps)   
            Console.WriteLine("RTS Flag =                   '{0}'", item.RtsFlag)   
            Console.WriteLine("Return To Sender Post Code = '{0}'", item.ReturnToSenderPostCode)   
            Console.WriteLine("Customer Content =           '{0}'", item.CustomerContent)   
            ' check recognized barcode value
            If item.ToString() <> readItem.ToString() Then   
                Throw New ApplicationException()   
            End If   
        End Sub   
    End Class   
    ' This code example produces the following output:
    '   Decoded value =              'JGB 010100000900009609W1T1HQ9Z 0SN35XX       ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890A'
    '   Information Type ID =        '0'
    '   Version ID =                 '1'
    '   Class =                      '0'
    '   Supply Chain ID =            '1000009'
    '   Item ID =                    '00009609'
    '   DPS =                        'W1T1HQ9Z '
    '   RTS Flag =                   '0'
    '   Return To Sender Post Code = 'SN35XX '
    '   Customer Content =           'ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890A'
    using System;
    using Vintasoft.Barcode;
    using Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo;
    using Vintasoft.Barcode.SymbologySubsets;
    using Vintasoft.Imaging;
    /// <summary>
    /// Test that demonstrates how to generate an image with Mailmark CMDM Type29 barcode and
    /// how to recognize Mailmark CMDM Type29 barcode on the image.
    /// </summary>
    class MailmarkCmdmValueItemExample
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the test.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Test()
            // create the Mailmark CMDM 2D barcode value
            MailmarkCmdmValueItem item = new MailmarkCmdmValueItem();
            item.InformationTypeId = "0";
            item.VersionId = "1";
            item.Class = "0";
            item.SupplyChainId = "1000009";
            item.ItemId = "00009609";
            item.Dps = "W1T1HQ9Z ";
            item.RtsFlag = "0";
            item.ReturnToSenderPostCode = "SN35XX ";
            item.CustomerContent = "ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890A";
            IBarcodeInfo[] infos;
            // create the barcode writer
            using (BarcodeWriter writer = new BarcodeWriter())
                // encode Mailmark CMDM Type29 barcode
                BarcodeSymbologySubsets.MailmarkCmdmType29.Encode(item, writer.Settings);
                // get image with barcode
                using (VintasoftBitmap image = writer.GetBarcodeAsVintasoftBitmap())
                    // create the barcode reader
                    using (BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader())
                        // specify that reader must search for Mailmark CMDM Type29 barcodes only
                        reader.Settings.ScanBarcodeTypes = BarcodeType.None;
                        // recognize barcode
                        infos = reader.ReadBarcodes(image);
            // get barcode value
            MailmarkCmdmValueItem readItem = (MailmarkCmdmValueItem)infos[0].ValueItems[0];
            // print barcode value
            Console.WriteLine("Decoded value =              '{0}'", item.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Information Type ID =        '{0}'", item.InformationTypeId);
            Console.WriteLine("Version ID =                 '{0}'", item.VersionId);
            Console.WriteLine("Class =                      '{0}'", item.Class);
            Console.WriteLine("Supply Chain ID =            '{0}'", item.SupplyChainId);
            Console.WriteLine("Item ID =                    '{0}'", item.ItemId);
            Console.WriteLine("DPS =                        '{0}'", item.Dps);
            Console.WriteLine("RTS Flag =                   '{0}'", item.RtsFlag);
            Console.WriteLine("Return To Sender Post Code = '{0}'", item.ReturnToSenderPostCode);
            Console.WriteLine("Customer Content =           '{0}'", item.CustomerContent);
            // check recognized barcode value
            if (item.ToString() != readItem.ToString())
                throw new ApplicationException();
    /* This code example produces the following output:
       Decoded value =              'JGB 010100000900009609W1T1HQ9Z 0SN35XX       ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890A'
       Information Type ID =        '0'
       Version ID =                 '1'
       Class =                      '0'
       Supply Chain ID =            '1000009'
       Item ID =                    '00009609'
       DPS =                        'W1T1HQ9Z '
       RTS Flag =                   '0'
       Return To Sender Post Code = 'SN35XX '
       Customer Content =           'ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890A'

    Иерархия наследования



    Целевые платформы: .NET 8; .NET 7; .NET 6; .NET Framework 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5

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