VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Документация для .NET разработчика
В этом разделе
    OCR: Как настроить распознавание текста для распознавания только цифр?
    В этом разделе
    Вот C#/VB.NET код, который демонстрирует, как настроить "белый" список OCR-движка для распознавания только цифр:
    /// <summary>
    /// Specifies that text contains only the limited set of characters and
    /// recognizes the text in image.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filename">The name of file, which stores images with text.</param>
    public static void OcrImageWithDigits(string filename)
        // create an image collection
        using (Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection images = 
            new Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection())
            // add images from file to the image collection
            System.Console.WriteLine("Create Tesseract OCR engine...");
            // create the Tesseract OCR engine
            using (Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.Tesseract.TesseractOcr tesseractOcr = 
                new Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.Tesseract.TesseractOcr())
                System.Console.WriteLine("Initialize OCR engine...");
                // init the Tesseract OCR engine
                tesseractOcr.Init(new Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.OcrEngineSettings(
                // set the "white list" of recognizing characters
                    "tessedit_char_whitelist", "01234567890");
                // for each image
                foreach (Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage image in images)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Recognize the image...");
                    // recognize text in image
                    Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.Results.OcrPage ocrResult = tesseractOcr.Recognize(image);
                    // output the recognized text
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Page Text:");
                // shutdown the Tesseract OCR engine
            // free images
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Specifies that text contains only the limited set of characters and
    ''' recognizes the text in image.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="filename">The name of file, which stores images with text.</param>
    Public Shared Sub OcrImageWithDigits(filename As String)
        ' create an image collection
        Using images As New Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection()
            ' add images from file to the image collection
            System.Console.WriteLine("Create Tesseract OCR engine...")
            ' create the Tesseract OCR engine
            Using tesseractOcr As New Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.Tesseract.TesseractOcr()
                System.Console.WriteLine("Initialize OCR engine...")
                ' init the Tesseract OCR engine
                tesseractOcr.Init(New Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.OcrEngineSettings(Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.OcrLanguage.English))
                ' set the "white list" of recognizing characters
                tesseractOcr.SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", "01234567890")
                ' for each image
                For Each image As Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage In images
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Recognize the image...")
                    ' recognize text in image
                    Dim ocrResult As Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.Results.OcrPage = tesseractOcr.Recognize(image)
                    ' output the recognized text
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Page Text:")
                ' shutdown the Tesseract OCR engine
            End Using
            ' free images
        End Using
    End Sub