VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Документация для .NET разработчика
Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching Namespace / KeyZoneRecognizerCommand Class
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    Класс KeyZoneRecognizerCommand
    В этом разделе
    Распознает ключевые зоны на изображении.
    Объектная модель
    ProcessingCommandBase RegionOfInterest ProcessingCommandResults KeyZoneRecognizerCommand
    Public MustInherit Class KeyZoneRecognizerCommand
       Inherits Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ProcessingCommandWithRegion
    public abstract class KeyZoneRecognizerCommand : Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ProcessingCommandWithRegion
    public __gc abstract class KeyZoneRecognizerCommand : public Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ProcessingCommandWithRegion*
    public ref class KeyZoneRecognizerCommand abstract : public Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ProcessingCommandWithRegion^

    Вот C#/VB.NET код, который демонстрирует, как создать собственный распознаватель зоны клавиш на основе распознавания штрих-кода.

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Represents key zone based on recognized barcode.
    ''' </summary>
    Public Class BarcodeKeyZone
        Inherits Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone
        #Region "Constructors"
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BarcodeKeyZone"/> class.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="barcodeInfo">The barcode information.</param>
        Public Sub New(barcodeInfo As Vintasoft.Barcode.IBarcodeInfo)
            _barcodeInfo = barcodeInfo
            If TypeOf barcodeInfo Is Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.AztecInfo Then
                ' get the barcode center from barcode info
                Dim bulleyeCenter As Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointF = DirectCast(barcodeInfo, Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.AztecInfo).BulleyeCenter
                _location = New System.Drawing.PointF(bulleyeCenter.X, bulleyeCenter.Y)
                ' calculate the barcode center
                _location = System.Drawing.PointF.Empty
                Dim points As Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointI() = barcodeInfo.Region.GetPoints()
                For i As Integer = 0 To points.Length - 1
                    _location.X += points(i).X
                    _location.Y += points(i).Y
                _location.X /= points.Length
                _location.Y /= points.Length
            End If
        End Sub
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BarcodeKeyZone"/> class.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="barcodeInfo">The barcode information.</param>
        ''' <param name="location">The location.</param>
        Private Sub New(barcodeInfo As Vintasoft.Barcode.IBarcodeInfo, location As System.Drawing.PointF)
            _barcodeInfo = barcodeInfo
            _location = location
        End Sub
        #End Region
        #Region "Properties"
        Private _location As System.Drawing.PointF
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Gets the location of the key zone on the image.
        ''' </summary>
        Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Location() As System.Drawing.PointF
                Return _location
            End Get
        End Property
        Private _barcodeInfo As Vintasoft.Barcode.IBarcodeInfo
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Gets the barcode information.
        ''' </summary>
        Public ReadOnly Property BarcodeInfo() As Vintasoft.Barcode.IBarcodeInfo
                Return _barcodeInfo
            End Get
        End Property
        #End Region
        #Region "Methods"
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Applies a transformation to the key zone.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="m">The <see cref="Vintasoft.Imaging.AffineMatrix" />
        ''' that specifies the transformation to apply.</param>
        Public Overrides Sub Transform(m As Vintasoft.Imaging.AffineMatrix)
            If m Is Nothing Then
            End If
            _location = Vintasoft.Imaging.PointFAffineTransform.TransformPoint(m, _location)
        End Sub
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Returns the similarity of specified <see cref="Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone" />
        ''' and the current key zone.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="zone">The <see cref="Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone" />
        ''' to compare with.</param>
        ''' <returns>
        ''' The similarity of specified keyzone and the current key zone in range from 0 to 1.<br />
        ''' 0 means that zones are absolutely NOT similar;
        ''' 1 means that zones are perfectly similar.
        ''' </returns>
        Public Overrides Function CalculateSimilarity(zone As Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone) As Double
            Dim barcodeZone As BarcodeKeyZone = TryCast(zone, BarcodeKeyZone)
            If barcodeZone Is Nothing Then
                Return 0
            End If
            If barcodeZone.BarcodeInfo.Value = BarcodeInfo.Value AndAlso barcodeZone.BarcodeInfo.BarcodeType = BarcodeInfo.BarcodeType Then
                Return 1
            End If
            Return 0
        End Function
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <returns>A new object that is a copy of this instance.</returns>
        Public Overrides Function Clone() As Object
            Return New BarcodeKeyZone(BarcodeInfo, Location)
        End Function
        #End Region
    End Class
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Recognizes key zones, based on barcodes, on an image.
    ''' </summary>
    Public Class BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand
        Inherits Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZoneRecognizerCommand
        #Region "Constructors"
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand"/> class.
        ''' </summary>
        Public Sub New()
            ' set default barcode reader settings
            Settings.ScanBarcodeTypes = Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeType.Aztec
            Settings.ScanDirection = Vintasoft.Barcode.ScanDirection.Horizontal Or Vintasoft.Barcode.ScanDirection.Vertical
            Settings.AutomaticRecognition = True
            ' 3 barcode by page
            Settings.ExpectedBarcodes = 3
        End Sub
        #End Region
        #Region "Properties"
        Shared _supportedNativePixelFormats As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat)
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Gets a list of supported native pixel formats for this processing command.
        ''' </summary>
        Public Overrides ReadOnly Property SupportedNativePixelFormats() As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat)
                If _supportedNativePixelFormats Is Nothing Then
                    Dim supportedNativePixelFormats__1 As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat)()
                    _supportedNativePixelFormats = supportedNativePixelFormats__1.AsReadOnly()
                End If
                Return _supportedNativePixelFormats
            End Get
        End Property
        Private _settings As New Vintasoft.Barcode.ReaderSettings()
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Gets or sets the barcode reader settings.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <value>
        ''' The reader settings.
        ''' </value>
        Public Property Settings() As Vintasoft.Barcode.ReaderSettings
                Return _settings
            End Get
                If value Is Nothing Then
                    Throw New System.ArgumentNullException()
                End If
                _settings = value
            End Set
        End Property
        #End Region
        #Region "Methods"
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Creates a new <see cref="BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand"/> that is a copy of the current
        ''' instance.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <returns>A new <see cref="BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand"/> that is a copy of this
        ''' instance.</returns>
        Public Overrides Function Clone() As Object
            Dim recognizer As New BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand()
            recognizer.IsNested = IsNested
            recognizer.RegionOfInterest = RegionOfInterest
            recognizer.Settings = Settings.Clone()
            Return recognizer
        End Function
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Recognizes key zones in the specified rectangle of the specified image.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="image">The image where key zones must be searched.</param>
        ''' <param name="rect">The region of interest on image.</param>
        ''' <returns>An array of recognized key zones.</returns>
        Protected Overrides Function Recognize(image As Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage, rect As System.Drawing.Rectangle) As Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone()
            Dim reader As New Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeReader()
            reader.Settings = Settings.Clone()
            reader.Settings.ScanRectangle = New Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftRectI(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height)
            Using bitmap As Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftBitmap = image.GetAsVintasoftBitmap()
                Dim infos As Vintasoft.Barcode.IBarcodeInfo() = reader.ReadBarcodes(bitmap)
                Dim result As Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone() = New Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone(infos.Length - 1) {}
                For i As Integer = 0 To infos.Length - 1
                    result(i) = New BarcodeKeyZone(infos(i))
                Return result
            End Using
        End Function
        #End Region
    End Class
    /// <summary>
    /// Represents key zone based on recognized barcode.
    /// </summary>
    public class BarcodeKeyZone : Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone
        #region Constructors
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BarcodeKeyZone"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="barcodeInfo">The barcode information.</param>
        public BarcodeKeyZone(Vintasoft.Barcode.IBarcodeInfo barcodeInfo)
            : base()
            _barcodeInfo = barcodeInfo;
            if (barcodeInfo is Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.AztecInfo)
                // get the barcode center from barcode info
                Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointF bulleyeCenter = ((Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.AztecInfo)barcodeInfo).BulleyeCenter;
                _location = new System.Drawing.PointF(bulleyeCenter.X, bulleyeCenter.Y);
                // calculate the barcode center
                _location = System.Drawing.PointF.Empty;
                Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointI[] points = barcodeInfo.Region.GetPoints();
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    _location.X += points[i].X;
                    _location.Y += points[i].Y;
                _location.X /= points.Length;
                _location.Y /= points.Length;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BarcodeKeyZone"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="barcodeInfo">The barcode information.</param>
        /// <param name="location">The location.</param>
        private BarcodeKeyZone(Vintasoft.Barcode.IBarcodeInfo barcodeInfo,
            System.Drawing.PointF location)
            : base()
            _barcodeInfo = barcodeInfo;
            _location = location;
        #region Properties
        System.Drawing.PointF _location;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the location of the key zone on the image.
        /// </summary>
        public override System.Drawing.PointF Location
                return _location;
        Vintasoft.Barcode.IBarcodeInfo _barcodeInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the barcode information.
        /// </summary>
        public Vintasoft.Barcode.IBarcodeInfo BarcodeInfo
                return _barcodeInfo;
        #region Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies a transformation to the key zone.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m">The <see cref="Vintasoft.Imaging.AffineMatrix" />
        /// that specifies the transformation to apply.</param>
        public override void Transform(Vintasoft.Imaging.AffineMatrix m)
            if (m == null)
            _location = Vintasoft.Imaging.PointFAffineTransform.TransformPoint(m, _location);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the similarity of specified <see cref="Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone" />
        /// and the current key zone.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zone">The <see cref="Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone" />
        /// to compare with.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The similarity of specified keyzone and the current key zone in range from 0 to 1.<br />
        /// 0 means that zones are absolutely NOT similar;
        /// 1 means that zones are perfectly similar.
        /// </returns>
        public override double CalculateSimilarity(
            Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone zone)
            BarcodeKeyZone barcodeZone = zone as BarcodeKeyZone;
            if (barcodeZone == null)
                return 0;
            if (barcodeZone.BarcodeInfo.Value == BarcodeInfo.Value &&
                barcodeZone.BarcodeInfo.BarcodeType == BarcodeInfo.BarcodeType)
                return 1;
            return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A new object that is a copy of this instance.</returns>
        public override object Clone()
            return new BarcodeKeyZone(BarcodeInfo, Location);
    /// <summary>
    /// Recognizes key zones, based on barcodes, on an image.
    /// </summary>
    public class BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand :
        #region Constructors
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand()
            : base()
            // set default barcode reader settings
            Settings.ScanBarcodeTypes = Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeType.Aztec;
            Settings.ScanDirection =
                Vintasoft.Barcode.ScanDirection.Horizontal | Vintasoft.Barcode.ScanDirection.Vertical;
            Settings.AutomaticRecognition = true;
            // 3 barcode by page
            Settings.ExpectedBarcodes = 3;
        #region Properties
        static System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat> _supportedNativePixelFormats;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of supported native pixel formats for this processing command.
        /// </summary>
        public override System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat> SupportedNativePixelFormats
                if (_supportedNativePixelFormats == null)
                    System.Collections.Generic.List<Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat> supportedNativePixelFormats =
                        new System.Collections.Generic.List<Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat>();
                    _supportedNativePixelFormats = supportedNativePixelFormats.AsReadOnly();
                return _supportedNativePixelFormats;
        Vintasoft.Barcode.ReaderSettings _settings = new Vintasoft.Barcode.ReaderSettings();
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the barcode reader settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>
        /// The reader settings.
        /// </value>
        public Vintasoft.Barcode.ReaderSettings Settings
                return _settings;
                if (value == null)
                    throw new System.ArgumentNullException();
                _settings = value;
        #region Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand"/> that is a copy of the current
        /// instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand"/> that is a copy of this
        /// instance.</returns>
        public override object Clone()
            BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand recognizer = new BarcodeKeyZoneRecognizerCommand();
            recognizer.IsNested = IsNested;
            recognizer.RegionOfInterest = RegionOfInterest;
            recognizer.Settings = Settings.Clone();
            return recognizer;
        /// <summary>
        /// Recognizes key zones in the specified rectangle of the specified image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The image where key zones must be searched.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">The region of interest on image.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of recognized key zones.</returns>
        protected override Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone[] Recognize(
            Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage image,
            System.Drawing.Rectangle rect)
            Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeReader reader = new Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeReader();
            reader.Settings = Settings.Clone();
            reader.Settings.ScanRectangle = new Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftRectI(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
            using (Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftBitmap bitmap = image.GetAsVintasoftBitmap())
                Vintasoft.Barcode.IBarcodeInfo[] infos = reader.ReadBarcodes(bitmap);
                Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone[] result =
                    new Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing.TemplateMatching.KeyZone[infos.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++)
                    result[i] = new BarcodeKeyZone(infos[i]);
                return result;

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