VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Документация для .NET разработчика
Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing Namespace / ImageComparisonCommand Class
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    Класс ImageComparisonCommand
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    Создает изображение в оттенках серого, представляющее собой результат сравнения двух изображений.
    Объектная модель
    VintasoftImage ProcessingCommandResults ImageComparisonCommand
    Public Class ImageComparisonCommand
       Inherits ProcessingCommandBase
    public class ImageComparisonCommand : ProcessingCommandBase
    public __gc class ImageComparisonCommand : public ProcessingCommandBase*
    public ref class ImageComparisonCommand : public ProcessingCommandBase^

    Вот C#/VB.NET код, который демонстрирует, как сравнить два изображения и выделить результат красным цветом.

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Compares two images and highlights the comparison result with red color.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="image1Filename">The filename of first image.</param>
    ''' <param name="image2Filename">The filename of second image.</param>
    ''' <param name="resultFilename">The filename of result image.</param>
    Public Sub CompareImages(image1Filename As String, image2Filename As String, resultFilename As String)
        ' open the first image
        Using image1 As New Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage(image1Filename)
            ' open the second image
            Using image2 As New Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage(image2Filename)
                ' create the image comparison command
                Dim imageComparison As New Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ImageComparisonCommand(image2)
                ' get the grayscale result of comparing two images
                Using differences As Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage = imageComparison.Execute(image1)
                    ' creates the colors for the differences palette with the red color as main color
                    Dim colors As Integer() = CreateDifferencesPaletteColors(System.Drawing.Color.Red)
                    ' if pixel format of image1 is not Bgr24 or Bgr32 or Bgra32
                    If image1.PixelFormat <> Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat.Bgr24 AndAlso image1.PixelFormat <> Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat.Bgr32 AndAlso image1.PixelFormat <> Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat.Bgra32 Then
                        ' change pixel format of image1 to Bgr24
                        Dim changeFormat As New Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ChangePixelFormatCommand()
                        changeFormat.PixelFormat = Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat.Bgr24
                    End If
                    ' if image1 and the comparison result image have different sizes
                    If image1.Width <> differences.Width OrElse image1.Height <> differences.Height Then
                        ' crop image1 to the comparison result image size
                        Dim crop As New Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.CropCommand()
                        crop.RegionOfInterest = New Vintasoft.Imaging.RegionOfInterest(0, 0, differences.Width, differences.Height)
                    End If
                    ' draw the comparison result on the top of image1
                    Dim differencesGraphics As System.Drawing.Graphics = Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImageGdiExtensions.OpenGraphics(image1)
                    Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImageGdiExtensions.Draw(differences, differencesGraphics, New System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, differences.Width, differences.Height))
                    ' save the processed image to the new file
                End Using
            End Using
        End Using
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Creates the colors for the differences palette.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="color">Main color for the differences palette.</param>
    ''' <returns>The colors for the differences palette.</returns>
    Private Function CreateDifferencesPaletteColors(color As System.Drawing.Color) As Integer()
        Dim colors As Integer() = New Integer(255) {}
        For i As Integer = 0 To 255
            Dim alpha As Byte = CByte(i)
            colors(i) = (alpha << 24) Or (color.R << 16) Or (color.G << 8) Or color.B
        Return colors
    End Function
    /// <summary>
    /// Compares two images and highlights the comparison result with red color.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="image1Filename">The filename of first image.</param>
    /// <param name="image2Filename">The filename of second image.</param>
    /// <param name="resultFilename">The filename of result image.</param>
    public void CompareImages(string image1Filename, string image2Filename, string resultFilename)
        // open the first image
        using (Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage image1 = new Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage(image1Filename))
            // open the second image
            using (Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage image2 = new Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage(image2Filename))
                // create the image comparison command
                Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ImageComparisonCommand imageComparison =
                    new Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ImageComparisonCommand(image2);
                // get the grayscale result of comparing two images
                using (Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage differences = imageComparison.Execute(image1))
                    // creates the colors for the differences palette with the red color as main color
                    int[] colors = CreateDifferencesPaletteColors(System.Drawing.Color.Red);
                    // if pixel format of image1 is not Bgr24 or Bgr32 or Bgra32
                    if (image1.PixelFormat != Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat.Bgr24 && 
                        image1.PixelFormat != Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat.Bgr32 && 
                        image1.PixelFormat != Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat.Bgra32)
                        // change pixel format of image1 to Bgr24
                        Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ChangePixelFormatCommand changeFormat = 
                            new Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.ChangePixelFormatCommand();
                        changeFormat.PixelFormat = Vintasoft.Imaging.PixelFormat.Bgr24;
                    // if image1 and the comparison result image have different sizes
                    if (image1.Width != differences.Width || image1.Height != differences.Height)
                        // crop image1 to the comparison result image size
                        Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.CropCommand crop = 
                            new Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.CropCommand();
                        crop.RegionOfInterest = 
                            new Vintasoft.Imaging.RegionOfInterest(0, 0, differences.Width, differences.Height);
                    // draw the comparison result on the top of image1
                    System.Drawing.Graphics differencesGraphics = Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImageGdiExtensions.OpenGraphics(image1);
                        new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, differences.Width, differences.Height));
                    // save the processed image to the new file
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the colors for the differences palette.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="color">Main color for the differences palette.</param>
    /// <returns>The colors for the differences palette.</returns>
    private int[] CreateDifferencesPaletteColors(System.Drawing.Color color)
        int[] colors = new int[256];
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
            byte alpha = (byte)i;
            colors[i] = (alpha << 24) | (color.R << 16) | (color.G << 8) | color.B;
        return colors;

    Иерархия наследования



    Целевые платформы: .NET 8; .NET 7; .NET 6; .NET Framework 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5

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