Загрузка отсканированных изображений на HTTP(S) сервер
В этом разделе
VintaSoft TWAIN .NET SDK позволяет сохранить изображения, полученные от TWAIN/SANE сканера, в файл (PDF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, ...) в памяти и получить сохраненный файл в виде Base64-строки. Сохраненный в виде Base64-строки файл может быть загружен на HTTP(S) сервер.
Вот JavaScript код, который демонстрирует как сохранить изображения, полученные от TWAIN/SANE сканера, в PDF файл в памяти, получить PDF файл в виде Base64-строки и загрузить PDF файл на HTTPS сервер:
// acquire images from TWAIN/SANE scanner, save images to PDF file in memory and upload PDF file to HTTPS server
* Acquires images from TWAIN/SANE scanner, saves images to PDF file in memory and uploads PDF file to HTTPS server.
function __acquireImagesFromTwainScannerAndUploadImagesToHttpsServerAsPdfDocument() {
// register the evaluation version of VintaSoft Web TWAIN service
// please read how to get evaluation license in documentation: https://www.vintasoft.ru/docs/vstwain-dotnet-web/Licensing-Twain_Web-Evaluation.html
Vintasoft.Twain.WebTwainGlobalSettingsJS.register('REG_USER', 'REG_URL', 'REG_CODE', 'EXPIRATION_DATE');
// URL to the VintaSoft Web TWAIN service
var serviceUrl = 'https://localhost:25329/api/VintasoftTwainApi';
// a Web API controller that allows to work with TWAIN and SANE devices
var twainService = new Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceControllerJS(serviceUrl);
// TWAIN/SANE device manager
var deviceManager = new Vintasoft.Twain.WebTwainDeviceManagerJS(twainService);
// the default settings of device manager
var deviceManagerInitSetting = new Vintasoft.Twain.WebTwainDeviceManagerInitSettingsJS();
var device = null;
try {
// open device manager
// get the default TWAIN/SANE device
device = deviceManager.get_DefaultDevice();
// open device without UI
// create collection for images acquired from TWAIN scanner
var acquiredImages = new Vintasoft.Twain.WebAcquiredImageCollectionJS(deviceManager);
var acquireModalState;
do {
// do one step of modal image acquisition process
var acquireModalResult = device.acquireModalSync();
// get state of image acquisition
acquireModalState = acquireModalResult.get_AcquireModalState().valueOf();
switch (acquireModalState) {
case 2: // image is acquired
// get acquired image
var acquiredImage = acquireModalResult.get_AcquiredImage();
// add acquired image to the collection of acquired images
case 4: // image scan is failed
case 9: // image scan is finished
var imageIds = []
// for each acquired image
for (var i = 0; i < acquiredImages.get_Count(); i++)
// add image identifier to array of image identifiers
// save images to an image file and return file data as a Base64 string
var imageFileAsBase64String = acquiredImages.getAsBase64String('scanResult.pdf', imageIds);
// create XMLHttpRequest
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
// create form data
var formData = new FormData();
// add file name to the form data
formData.append('fileName', 'scanResult.pdf');
// add file data to the form data
formData.append('imageFileAsBase64String', imageFileAsBase64String);
// open request
req.open('POST', 'https://demos.vintasoft.com/AspNetMvcTwainScanningDemo/api/ImageUploadApi');
// subscribe to the 'onreadystatechange' event of request
req.onreadystatechange = __uploadImages_readyStateChanged;
// send request
while (acquireModalState !== 0);
catch (ex) {
finally {
if (device != null) {
// close the device
// close the device manager
* State of HTTP uploading request is changed.
function __uploadImages_readyStateChanged(data) {
var httpRequest = data.currentTarget;
if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) {
// if image image is uploaded successfully and server returned status 20X
if (httpRequest.status == 200 || httpRequest.status == 204) {
alert('Image uploading is finished successfully.');
// if image image is uploaded successfully and server returned status 0 (CORS request)
else if (httpRequest.status == 0) {
alert('Image uploading is finished successfully.');
else {
alert('Image uploading is failed.');
Вот TypeScript код, который демонстрирует как сохранить изображения, полученные от TWAIN/SANE сканера, в PDF файл в памяти, получить PDF файл в виде Base64-строки и загрузить PDF файл на HTTPS сервер:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'twain-scanning-demo',
templateUrl: './twain-scanning-demo.component.html'
export class TwainScanningDemoComponent {
ngOnInit() {
// acquire images from TWAIN/SANE scanner and process acquired images
* Acquires images from TWAIN/SANE scanner and process acquired images.
__acquireImagesFromTwainScannerAndProcessAcquiredImages() {
// register the evaluation version of VintaSoft Web TWAIN service
// please read how to get evaluation license in documentation: https://www.vintasoft.ru/docs/vstwain-dotnet-web/Licensing-Twain_Web-Evaluation.html
Vintasoft.Twain.WebTwainGlobalSettingsJS.register('REG_USER', 'REG_URL', 'REG_CODE', 'EXPIRATION_DATE');
// URL to the VintaSoft Web TWAIN service
let serviceUrl: string = 'https://localhost:25329/api/VintasoftTwainApi';
// a Web API controller that allows to work with TWAIN and SANE devices
let twainService: Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceControllerJS = new Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceControllerJS(serviceUrl);
// TWAIN/SANE device manager
let deviceManager: Vintasoft.Twain.WebTwainDeviceManagerJS = new Vintasoft.Twain.WebTwainDeviceManagerJS(twainService);
// the default settings of device manager
let deviceManagerInitSetting: Vintasoft.Twain.WebTwainDeviceManagerInitSettingsJS = new Vintasoft.Twain.WebTwainDeviceManagerInitSettingsJS();
try {
// open device manager
catch (ex) {
let device: Vintasoft.Twain.WebTwainDeviceJS = null;
try {
// get the default TWAIN/SANE device
device = deviceManager.get_DefaultDevice();
// open device without UI
// create collection for images acquired from TWAIN scanner
let acquiredImages: Vintasoft.Twain.WebAcquiredImageCollectionJS = new Vintasoft.Twain.WebAcquiredImageCollectionJS(deviceManager);
let acquireModalState: number;
do {
// do one step of modal image acquisition process
let acquireModalResult: Vintasoft.Twain.WebTwainDeviceAcquireModalResultJS = device.acquireModalSync();
// get state of image acquisition
acquireModalState = acquireModalResult.get_AcquireModalState().valueOf() as number;
switch (acquireModalState) {
case 2: // image is acquired
// get acquired image
let acquiredImage: Vintasoft.Twain.WebAcquiredImageJS = acquireModalResult.get_AcquiredImage();
// add acquired image to the collection of acquired images
case 4: // image scan is failed
case 9: // image scan is finished
let imageIds: string[] = []
// for each acquired image
for (let i: number = 0; i < acquiredImages.get_Count(); i++)
// add image identifier to array of image identifiers
// save images to an image file and return file data as a Base64 string
let imageFileAsBase64String: string = acquiredImages.getAsBase64String('scanResult.pdf', imageIds);
// create XMLHttpRequest
let req: XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
// create form data
let formData: FormData = new FormData();
// add file name to the form data
formData.append('fileName', 'scanResult.pdf');
// add file data to the form data
formData.append('imageFileAsBase64String', imageFileAsBase64String);
// open request
req.open('POST', 'https://demos.vintasoft.com/AspNetMvcTwainScanningDemo/api/ImageUploadApi');
// subscribe to the 'onreadystatechange' event of request
req.onreadystatechange = this.__uploadImages_readyStateChanged;
// send request
while (acquireModalState !== 0);
catch (ex) {
finally {
if (device != null) {
// close the device
// close the device manager
* State of HTTP uploading request is changed.
__uploadImages_readyStateChanged(data: any) {
let httpRequest: XMLHttpRequest = data.currentTarget;
if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) {
// if image image is uploaded successfully and server returned status 20X
if (httpRequest.status == 200 || httpRequest.status == 204) {
alert('Image uploading is finished successfully.');
// if image image is uploaded successfully and server returned status 0 (CORS request)
else if (httpRequest.status == 0) {
alert('Image uploading is finished successfully.');
else {
alert('Image uploading is failed.');