Как получить расширенную информацию об изображении, полученном от TWAIN сканера?
В этом разделе
VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK позволяет получить расширенную информацию о отсканированном изображении. Расширенная информация о изображении может содержать информацию о номере документа/страницы, кадре изображения, штрихкодах или патч-кодах, найденных на странице, информацию о сглаживании, процессе выравнивания и многое другое.
Если вы хотите получить расширенную информацию об изображении, вам следует выполнить следующие шаги:
- Убедитесь, что получение расширенной информации об изображении поддерживается устройством.
- Выберите, какую информацию вы хотите получить.
- Получите расширенной информации о изображении сразу после получения изображения
Вот C#/VB.NET код, который демонстрирует, как получить расширенную информацию (номер документа, номер страницы, камера, номер кадра, кадр, качество пикселей) о отсканированном изображении:
static bool _isScanningFinished;
/// <summary>
/// Asynchronously acquires images from TWAIN device and retrieves from TWAIN device an extended information about acquired images.
/// </summary>
public static void AsynchronouslyAcquireImageFromTwainDeviceAndGetExtendedInfoAboutAcquiredImages()
_isScanningFinished = false;
// create the device manager
using (Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceManager deviceManager = new Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceManager())
deviceManager.IsTwain2Compatible = true;
// open the device manager
// get the device
Vintasoft.Twain.Device device = deviceManager.DefaultDevice;
if (device == null)
// subscribe to the device events
device.ImageAcquired += new System.EventHandler<Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs>(device_ImageAcquired);
device.ScanFinished += new System.EventHandler(device_ScanFinished);
// set scanning settings
device.TransferMode = Vintasoft.Twain.TransferMode.Memory;
device.ShowUI = false;
device.DisableAfterAcquire = true;
// open the device
// specify that extended information about acquired image is necessary
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(new Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.DocumentNumber));
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(new Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.PageNumber));
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(new Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.Camera));
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(new Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.FrameNumber));
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(new Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.Frame));
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(new Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.PixelFlavor));
// acquire images asynchronously
// wait while feeder will be stopped
while (!_isScanningFinished)
/// <summary>
/// Image is acquired.
/// </summary>
private static void device_ImageAcquired(object sender, Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs e)
// output an extended information about the acquired image
System.Console.WriteLine("IMAGE IS ACQUIRED");
Vintasoft.Twain.Device device = (Vintasoft.Twain.Device)sender;
for (int i = 0; i < device.ExtendedImageInfo.Count; i++)
AddExtendedImageInfoToResultTextBox(i, device.ExtendedImageInfo[i]);
// dispose the acquired image
/// <summary>
/// Scan is finished.
/// </summary>
private static void device_ScanFinished(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Vintasoft.Twain.Device device = (Vintasoft.Twain.Device)sender;
// unsubscribe from device events
device.ImageAcquired -= new System.EventHandler<Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs>(device_ImageAcquired);
device.ScanFinished -= new System.EventHandler(device_ScanFinished);
// if device is not closed
if (device.State != Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceState.Closed)
// close the device
System.Console.WriteLine("Scan is finished.");
_isScanningFinished = true;
/// <summary>
/// Add an extended image info to the result text box.
/// </summary>
private static void AddExtendedImageInfoToResultTextBox(int index, Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo info)
if (!info.IsValueValid)
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Extended image info {0}", index));
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" Name={0}", System.Enum.GetName(typeof(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId), info.InfoId)));
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" Id={0}", info.InfoId));
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" Value type={0}", info.ValueType));
Vintasoft.Twain.TwainOneValueContainer oneDeviceCapabilityValue = info.Value as Vintasoft.Twain.TwainOneValueContainer;
if (oneDeviceCapabilityValue != null)
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" Value={0}", oneDeviceCapabilityValue.Value));
Vintasoft.Twain.TwainArrayValueContainer arrayDeviceCapabilityValue = info.Value as Vintasoft.Twain.TwainArrayValueContainer;
if (arrayDeviceCapabilityValue != null)
string values = " Values: ";
if (arrayDeviceCapabilityValue.Values.GetType() == typeof(byte[]))
values += string.Format("byte[{0}]", arrayDeviceCapabilityValue.Values.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < arrayDeviceCapabilityValue.Values.Length; i++)
values += string.Format("{0}, ", arrayDeviceCapabilityValue.Values.GetValue(i));
Shared _isScanningFinished As Boolean
''' <summary>
''' Asynchronously acquires images from TWAIN device and retrieves from TWAIN device an extended information about acquired images.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Sub AsynchronouslyAcquireImageFromTwainDeviceAndGetExtendedInfoAboutAcquiredImages()
_isScanningFinished = False
' create the device manager
Using deviceManager As New Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceManager()
deviceManager.IsTwain2Compatible = True
' open the device manager
' get the device
Dim device As Vintasoft.Twain.Device = deviceManager.DefaultDevice
If device Is Nothing Then
End If
' subscribe to the device events
AddHandler device.ImageAcquired, New System.EventHandler(Of Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs)(AddressOf device_ImageAcquired)
AddHandler device.ScanFinished, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf device_ScanFinished)
' set scanning settings
device.TransferMode = Vintasoft.Twain.TransferMode.Memory
device.ShowUI = False
device.DisableAfterAcquire = True
' open the device
' specify that extended information about acquired image is necessary
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(New Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.DocumentNumber))
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(New Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.PageNumber))
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(New Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.Camera))
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(New Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.FrameNumber))
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(New Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.Frame))
device.ExtendedImageInfo.Add(New Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId.PixelFlavor))
' acquire images asynchronously
' wait while feeder will be stopped
While Not _isScanningFinished
End While
End Using
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Image is acquired.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Sub device_ImageAcquired(sender As Object, e As Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs)
' output an extended information about the acquired image
System.Console.WriteLine("IMAGE IS ACQUIRED")
Dim device As Vintasoft.Twain.Device = DirectCast(sender, Vintasoft.Twain.Device)
For i As Integer = 0 To device.ExtendedImageInfo.Count - 1
AddExtendedImageInfoToResultTextBox(i, device.ExtendedImageInfo(i))
' dispose the acquired image
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Scan is finished.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Sub device_ScanFinished(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
Dim device As Vintasoft.Twain.Device = DirectCast(sender, Vintasoft.Twain.Device)
' unsubscribe from device events
RemoveHandler device.ImageAcquired, New System.EventHandler(Of Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs)(AddressOf device_ImageAcquired)
RemoveHandler device.ScanFinished, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf device_ScanFinished)
' if device is not closed
If device.State <> Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceState.Closed Then
' close the device
End If
System.Console.WriteLine("Scan is finished.")
_isScanningFinished = True
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Add an extended image info to the result text box.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Sub AddExtendedImageInfoToResultTextBox(index As Integer, info As Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfo)
If Not info.IsValueValid Then
End If
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Extended image info {0}", index))
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Name={0}", System.[Enum].GetName(GetType(Vintasoft.Twain.ExtendedImageInfoId), info.InfoId)))
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Id={0}", info.InfoId))
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Value type={0}", info.ValueType))
Dim oneDeviceCapabilityValue As Vintasoft.Twain.TwainOneValueContainer = TryCast(info.Value, Vintasoft.Twain.TwainOneValueContainer)
If oneDeviceCapabilityValue IsNot Nothing Then
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Value={0}", oneDeviceCapabilityValue.Value))
Dim arrayDeviceCapabilityValue As Vintasoft.Twain.TwainArrayValueContainer = TryCast(info.Value, Vintasoft.Twain.TwainArrayValueContainer)
If arrayDeviceCapabilityValue IsNot Nothing Then
Dim values As String = " Values: "
If arrayDeviceCapabilityValue.Values.[GetType]() = GetType(Byte()) Then
values += String.Format("byte[{0}]", arrayDeviceCapabilityValue.Values.Length)
For i As Integer = 0 To arrayDeviceCapabilityValue.Values.Length - 1
values += String.Format("{0}, ", arrayDeviceCapabilityValue.Values.GetValue(i))
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Вот C#/VB.NET код, который демонстрирует, как получить информацию о штрихкодах, распознанных на отсканированном изображении:
/// <summary>
/// Synchronously acquires images from TWAIN device and retrieves from TWAIN device information about barcodes recognized on acquired images.
/// </summary>
public void SynchronouslyAcquireImageFromTwainDeviceAndRecognizeBarcodeInAcquiredImages()
using (Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceManager deviceManager = new Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceManager())
// open the device manager
// get reference to the default device
Vintasoft.Twain.Device device = deviceManager.DefaultDevice;
// specify that device UI must not be used
device.ShowUI = false;
// specify that device must be closed after scan
device.DisableAfterAcquire = true;
// open the device
// specify that device should recognize barcodes in acquired images
device.BarcodeRecognizer.IsEnabled = true;
// acquire images from device
Vintasoft.Twain.AcquireModalState acquireModalState = Vintasoft.Twain.AcquireModalState.None;
acquireModalState = device.AcquireModal();
switch (acquireModalState)
case Vintasoft.Twain.AcquireModalState.ImageAcquired:
// get information about recognized barcodes
Vintasoft.Twain.TwainBarcodeInfo[] recognizedBarcodes = device.BarcodeRecognizer.GetRecognitionResult();
// if barcodes are NOT found
if (recognizedBarcodes.Length == 0)
System.Console.WriteLine("Barcodes are NOT found.");
// if barcodes are found
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} barcodes are found.", recognizedBarcodes.Length));
// for each recognized barcode
for (int i = 0; i < recognizedBarcodes.Length; i++)
// output barcode type
System.Console.Write(string.Format("BarcodeType={0} ", recognizedBarcodes[i].Type));
// output barcode text
System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("BarcodeText='{0}'", recognizedBarcodes[i].Value));
// if acquired image is present (Native or Memory transfer mode is used)
if (device.AcquiredImage != null)
// dispose the acquired image
while (acquireModalState != Vintasoft.Twain.AcquireModalState.None);
// close the device
// close the device manager
catch (Vintasoft.Twain.TwainException ex)
System.Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
''' <summary>
''' Synchronously acquires images from TWAIN device and retrieves from TWAIN device information about barcodes recognized on acquired images.
''' </summary>
Public Sub SynchronouslyAcquireImageFromTwainDeviceAndRecognizeBarcodeInAcquiredImages()
Using deviceManager As New Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceManager()
' open the device manager
' get reference to the default device
Dim device As Vintasoft.Twain.Device = deviceManager.DefaultDevice
' specify that device UI must not be used
device.ShowUI = False
' specify that device must be closed after scan
device.DisableAfterAcquire = True
' open the device
' specify that device should recognize barcodes in acquired images
device.BarcodeRecognizer.IsEnabled = True
' acquire images from device
Dim acquireModalState As Vintasoft.Twain.AcquireModalState = Vintasoft.Twain.AcquireModalState.None
acquireModalState = device.AcquireModal()
Select Case acquireModalState
Case Vintasoft.Twain.AcquireModalState.ImageAcquired
' get information about recognized barcodes
Dim recognizedBarcodes As Vintasoft.Twain.TwainBarcodeInfo() = device.BarcodeRecognizer.GetRecognitionResult()
' if barcodes are NOT found
If recognizedBarcodes.Length = 0 Then
System.Console.WriteLine("Barcodes are NOT found.")
' if barcodes are found
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} barcodes are found.", recognizedBarcodes.Length))
' for each recognized barcode
For i As Integer = 0 To recognizedBarcodes.Length - 1
' output barcode type
System.Console.Write(String.Format("BarcodeType={0} ", recognizedBarcodes(i).Type))
' output barcode text
System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("BarcodeText='{0}'", recognizedBarcodes(i).Value))
End If
' if acquired image is present (Native or Memory transfer mode is used)
If device.AcquiredImage IsNot Nothing Then
' dispose the acquired image
End If
Exit Select
End Select
Loop While acquireModalState <> Vintasoft.Twain.AcquireModalState.None
' close the device
' close the device manager
Catch ex As Vintasoft.Twain.TwainException
System.Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message)
End Try
End Using
End Sub