DrawImage(VintasoftImage,RectangleF) Метод (DrawingEngine)
Рисует указанный
VintasoftImage в указанном прямоугольнике.
Вот пример, показывающий, как нарисовать изображение с помощью механизма рисования.
''' <summary>
''' Draws an image on specified drawing engine.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="drawingEngine">Drawing engine.</param>
''' <param name="area">Area to draw objects in.</param>
Public Shared Sub DrawImageExample(drawingEngine As DrawingEngine, area As RectangleF)
' path to image file for drawing
' this image is located in <install path>/VintaSoft/Imaging .NET/Images/
Dim imagePath As String = "AutoContrast.jpg"
' create VintaSoft image
Using image As New VintasoftImage(imagePath)
' create transform holder to save current engine transform and restore it aftewards
Using drawingEngine.CreateTransformHolder()
' create image destination rectangle
Dim imageRect As New RectangleF(area.X + area.Width * 0.25F, area.Y + area.Height * 0.25F, area.Width / 2, area.Height / 2)
' apply rotation transform to drawing engine
drawingEngine.Transform = AffineMatrix.CreateRotation(35, imageRect.X + imageRect.Width / 2, imageRect.Y + imageRect.Height / 2)
' draw image
drawingEngine.DrawImage(image, imageRect)
End Using
End Using
End Sub
/// <summary>
/// Draws an image on specified drawing engine.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawingEngine">Drawing engine.</param>
/// <param name="area">Area to draw objects in.</param>
public static void DrawImageExample(DrawingEngine drawingEngine, RectangleF area)
// path to image file for drawing
// this image is located in <install path>/VintaSoft/Imaging .NET/Images/
string imagePath = "AutoContrast.jpg";
// create VintaSoft image
using (VintasoftImage image = new VintasoftImage(imagePath))
// create transform holder to save current engine transform and restore it aftewards
using (drawingEngine.CreateTransformHolder())
// create image destination rectangle
RectangleF imageRect = new RectangleF(area.X + area.Width * 0.25f, area.Y + area.Height * 0.25f, area.Width / 2, area.Height / 2);
// apply rotation transform to drawing engine
drawingEngine.Transform = AffineMatrix.CreateRotation(35, imageRect.X + imageRect.Width / 2, imageRect.Y + imageRect.Height / 2);
// draw image
drawingEngine.DrawImage(image, imageRect);
Целевые платформы: .NET 8; .NET 7; .NET 6; .NET Framework 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5