/// <summary>
/// Draws objects using pens with different settings on specified drawing engine.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawingEngine">Drawing engine.</param>
/// <param name="area">Area to draw objects in.</param>
public static void PenExample(DrawingEngine drawingEngine, RectangleF area)
DrawingFactory factory = drawingEngine.DrawingFactory;
// create graphics path to draw
using (IGraphicsPath path = factory.CreateGraphicsPath())
// add path elements
PointF[] linePoints = new PointF[]
new PointF(area.X + area.Width * 0.15f, area.Y + area.Height * 0.47f),
new PointF(area.X + area.Width * 0.15f, area.Y + area.Height * 0.3f),
new PointF(area.X + area.Width * 0.23f, area.Y),
PointF[] curvePoints = new PointF[]
new PointF(area.X + area.Width * 0.23f, area.Y),
new PointF(area.X + area.Width * 0.47f, area.Y + area.Height * 0.1f),
new PointF(area.X + area.Width * 0.47f, area.Y + area.Height * 0.2f),
new PointF(area.X + area.Width * 0.35f, area.Y + area.Height * 0.22f),
new PointF(area.X + area.Width * 0.27f, area.Y + area.Height * 0.24f),
new PointF(area.X + area.Width * 0.27f, area.Y + area.Height * 0.35f),
new PointF(area.X + area.Width * 0.45f, area.Y + area.Height * 0.47f),
path.Transform(AffineMatrix.CreateScaling(0.66f, 1, area.X, area.Y));
// set minimum pen width
float minPenWidth = area.Width * 0.005f;
// create simple pen and draw a path
using (IDrawingPen pen = factory.CreatePen(Color.Red, minPenWidth * 2))
drawingEngine.DrawPath(pen, path);
// translate path
path.Transform(AffineMatrix.CreateTranslation(area.Width / 3, 0));
// create pen with dash pattern and arrow cap on line end
using (IDrawingPen pen = factory.CreatePen(Color.Red, minPenWidth))
using (DrawingLineCap cap = factory.CreateLineCap(DrawingLineCapType.Arrow, area.Height * 0.1f, area.Width * 0.1f))
pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 3, 1 };
// draw path
drawingEngine.DrawPath(pen, path, null, cap);
// translate path
path.Transform(AffineMatrix.CreateTranslation(area.Width / 3, 0));
// create pen with dash pattern and dash cap
using (IDrawingPen pen = factory.CreatePen(Color.Red, minPenWidth * 3))
pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 1, 1 };
pen.DashCap = LineDashCapStyle.Round;
pen.LineCap = LineCapStyle.Round;
// draw path
drawingEngine.DrawPath(pen, path);
// translate path
path.Transform(AffineMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, area.Height / 2));
// create pen with round line join and butt cap on line start
using (IDrawingPen pen = factory.CreatePen(Color.DarkGreen, minPenWidth * 7))
using (DrawingLineCap cap = factory.CreateLineCap(DrawingLineCapType.Butt, area.Height * 0.1f, area.Width * 0.1f))
pen.LineJoin = LineJoinStyle.Round;
// draw path
drawingEngine.DrawPath(pen, path, cap, null);
// translate path
path.Transform(AffineMatrix.CreateTranslation(-area.Width / 3, 0));
// create pen with bevel line join and draw path
using (IDrawingPen pen = factory.CreatePen(Color.Blue, minPenWidth * 6))
pen.LineJoin = LineJoinStyle.Bevel;
drawingEngine.DrawPath(pen, path);
// translate path
path.Transform(AffineMatrix.CreateTranslation(-area.Width / 3, 0));
// create pen with dash pattern, dash offset and different line caps
using (IDrawingPen pen = factory.CreatePen(Color.Blue, minPenWidth))
using (DrawingLineCap startCap = factory.CreateLineCap(DrawingLineCapType.FilledRectangle, minPenWidth * 10, minPenWidth * 10))
using (DrawingLineCap endCap = factory.CreateLineCap(DrawingLineCapType.Ellipse, minPenWidth * 10, minPenWidth * 10))
pen.DashOffset = 5;
pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 3, 1, 1, 1 };
// draw path
drawingEngine.DrawPath(pen, path, startCap, endCap);