VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK 15.1: Документация для Веб разработчика
Vintasoft.Shared Namespace / WebCompositeRenderingSettingsJS type
Конструкторы Смотрите также
В этом разделе
    Члены типа WebCompositeRenderingSettingsJS Class
    В этом разделе
    В следующих таблицах перечислены элементы, предоставляемые WebCompositeRenderingSettingsJS.
    Публичные Конструкторы
    Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the WebCompositeRenderingSettingsJS class.
    Public MethodBegins the settings initialization.
    Public MethodOverloaded. Creates an exact copy of this WebCompositeRenderingSettingsJS.
    Public MethodEnds the settings initialization.
    Public MethodOverloaded. Determines whether the specified rendering settings is equal to the current rendering settings.
    Public MethodGets the interpolation mode for image rendering. (Наследуется от WebRenderingSettingsJS)
    Public MethodGets the resolution, in pixels per inch, for image rendering. (Наследуется от WebRenderingSettingsJS)
    Public MethodGets the items of this composite rendering settings.
    Public MethodGets the smoothing mode for image rendering. (Наследуется от WebRenderingSettingsJS)
    Public MethodGets a type of rendering settings. (Наследуется от WebRenderingSettingsJS)
    Public MethodReturns a value indicating whether the rendering settings is empty.
    Public MethodSets the interpolation mode for image rendering.
    Public MethodSets the resolution, in pixels per inch, for image rendering.
    Public MethodSets the smoothing mode for image rendering.
    Public MethodReturns settings as object.
    Public EventOccurs when rendering settings are changed. (Наследуется от WebRenderingSettingsJS)
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